- I'm having problems creating an account, can you help?
- Help, I've forgotten or lost my account password
- Where can I access my profile and badges?
- How to I find the username and/or password for a lab module?
- When the lab is over...
- What's new OpenText World?
Having problems creating an account
To access lab content, you first need to create an account on the site. To create an account, simply follow the link to 'Sign Up' on the home page, or on any of the lab module pages. You'll be taken to a form where you need to enter your email address, company name and a password of your choice. The minimum requirements for your password are listed on the form. On clicking the Sign Up button, a new account is created for you and you will be directed to the login screen to sign-in with your username (your email address) and the password you entered on the form. Some common issues that you might come access are listed below:
Forgotten or Lost Password
Before you can participate in the Product Labs, you need to either: sign-up to create a user account, or sign-in if you already have an account. To sign-up, simply click on the button on the home page banner and then complete the registration form by entering your email address, and a password of your choice. And if you come back to take another Lab (and we hope that you do), simply sign-in again, with your email address and password.
Where can I access my profile and badges?
When you've completed a lab module, you can earn a badge by answering a few simple multiple-choice questions. Click the 'Quiz' link in the corriculum, when you have completed the lessons in a lab module. NOTE: The badges are informal and just for fun, we just thought you might enjoy the bragging rights! And, if you dont complete the lessons before taking the quiz, we'll know!! To see your achievements and badges, simply open your profile page. |
Find username and/or password for a lab module
When you are ready to start the exercises, click on the "Start the lab" button, which will connect you with the companion OpenText application. For some lab modules, a new virtual machine environment will be reserved for you, while for other labs, you will be given a user account on a shared application. Read and carefully follow the instructions provided for each lab which will guide you through the process. NOTE: The login credentials for the app will be provided in the lab instructions. Please dont try and login to the application with your TestDrive account login, or any other OpenText login credentials. |
When the lab is over...
When you've completed a lab module, you can walk away, take a short quiz, or start another module. It's up to you! NOTE: each lab has a timer that starts when you click 'Start the lab'. The lab cannot be saved, so all your work must be done during the lab session. When the time is up, your lab environment will automatically reset itself to get ready for the next user. |
What's new for OpenText World?
For this event we've updated most of our lab servers to the latest 23.* CE product releases. You can test drive the latest Extended ECM, Core, Magellan, and Documentum products from the associated lab modules. To get a list of the latest newly added content, click here We've also added lots of new click-tour content, including a few labs for our Micro Focus product offerings.